Founded more than 100 years ago and guided by the concept that a fraternity was an academic organization, we are the only professional chemistry fraternity in the nation. With over 70,000 members, we bring together people pursuing a wide variety of chemistry-related careers.

ã…¡ OBJECTS ã…¡
To bind its members with a tie of true and lasting friendship.
To strive for the advancement of chemistry, both as a science and as a profession.
To aid its members by every honorable means in the attainment of their ambitions as chemists throughout their mortal lives.
​Members will:
Remember the Objects of the fraternity and endeavor always to further them.
Pay promptly all financial obligations.
Act so as never to be a reproach to Alpha Chi Sigma.
Cheerfully fulfill any assigned fraternal task.
Maintain as satisfactory a scholastic record as possible.

The ideal chapter is one in which its members live and carry out the three Objects of Alpha Chi Sigma. In such a chapter there would always be perfect harmony and accord. All members would be tolerant and sympathetic to the viewpoint of others. All members would be actively engaged in work which reflects credit not only to themselves but to the organization.
The ideal chapter through its officers maintains constant efficient contacts with the national organization and the professional members (alumni) of the chapter. Such a chapter continues a program of professional activity which compliments and augments activities of the faculty, the school, and the surrounding scientific community.
Its members perform the duties allotted to them promptly and cheerfully to the best of their ability. They remember that the returns from an organization are commensurate with the giving. Each will therefore give the organization what one can and expect the reciprocity which eventually comes to every giver.
Membership is for life